Hello all, I'm Jim Richards. I'm based in Fort Worth and the co-founder of an urban design consultancy called Townscape, where my partner and I creates plans for old town centers, new town
centers, urban villages and transit-oriented developements. As a landscape
architect, my focus is on the connective tissue between buildings, where the
life of great cities takes place. Freehand sketching is at the heart of my
creative process and a signature element of our firm's work.
My first on-location sketching was done as a landscape architecture student at LSU back in the 1970s. My early career involved design drawing on an almost daily basis, but I didn't return to location sketching with gusto until I began traveling around the world to study cities and projects in 1999. I now travel quite frequently for work and pleasure (visiting and sketching 32 countries so far), and sketching has become an integral part of the travel experience for me as well as my primary creative tool at work. I enthusiastically promote freehand sketching through magazine articles, lectures and hands-on workshops at universities across the country and abroad, and I'm currently working on my first book,
Freehand Drawing Renaissance, due from Wiley Press in January 2013.
I became a member of Urban Sketchers back in March of 2010, and was a lecturer at the 2nd International Urban Sketchers Symposium in Lisbon in August 2011. The Lisbon experience was amazing, and inspired me to enlist some regional talent to start Urban Sketchers Texas! I'm really looking forward to watching our network of sketchers grow and become a source of inspiration and encouragement for creative professionals and recreational sketchers alike.
flickr site: www.flickr.com/photos/jamesrichardsdrawings
website: www.townscape.com