Jay Robert Larsson
This summer, for most of us, vacation means a staycation. So it's fun to take a little virtual vacation from summers or even just vacations past. Jay Robert Larsson is revisiting Stockholm, Sweden, where he tells us he makes a yearly visit. Night sketches are not as common and this restful image in colored pencil is very calming.
Chris Fitzgerald
This sketch was done in San Miguel de Allende several summers ago. The Parroquia is a very complicated building to draw and I wanted to challenge myself.
Richard Scruggs
Richard Scruggs
Richard Scruggs went on a cruise pre-COVID and visited Cozumel. The unusual perspective in the drawing from the ship really grabs your attention. In Cozumel, he found another lovely colonial-era church to sketch.
Kathy Fediw
Kathy Fediw went to Hawaii several years ago and sketched these images on the big island at Mauna Loa Bay. Another tranquil place to rest our eyes.
Mary McJunkin
Mary McJunkin went to New Mexico and Arizona last year to visit friends and family. You can see her sketch of the Grand Canyon in our blog header. She also captured a pueblo at Almagorda, New Mexico and a classic old motel in Mesa, Arizona. Love the diving girls on the sign!
Fahmi Khan
Fahmi Khan is a teacher and got to travel during a Spring Break with the honor orchestra students as they performed all over Europe. Here we see a moment in a coffee shop in Prague and the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. Most importantly, Fahmi notes that sometimes the group moved so quickly, she had only time for thumbnails. This is important to remember if you are journaling a trip. Sometimes thumbnails have to be enough. Enjoy the moment!
Judith Butler Dollar
Finally, there is Judith's trip to Porto, Portugal in 2018. She captured the bustle of the farmer's market at the moment and went back with Procreate to strengthen the image. A nice fusion of traditional art materials and technology. She also captured the jumble of buildings in this hill town. Nice work.
I hope this little virtual vacation has given you some ideas for when we can all venture out again.
Love this post! (I miss vacations...)