Saturday, October 15, 2011

Great day for a Sketchcrawl!

After putting out the call for sketchers to come to Fort Worth for the 33rd Worldwide Sketchcrawl, I had no idea how many might actually turn out.  After all, Urban Sketchers Texas is barely a month old, and we were competing with college football and the most beautiful afternoon in recent memory.  I was delighted when a dozen sketchers convened to compare sketchbooks, and I met two more who had to leave before "show and tell."  Not bad for a first outing!  Here's my sketch for the afternoon, drawn while perched on a curb at the corner of N. Main and Exchange Streets.  Really looking forward to our next outing!  -Jim

1 comment:

  1. I love how you've made your sketchcrawl into a celebration! It's a delight!
