Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to Georgetown, Texas!!!!!

Georgetown, county seat of Williamson County, has a beautiful courthouse with a somewhat stormy past. Built in 1910, the courthouse has undergone several major and sometimes disastrous renovations. The 1966 "renovation" destroyed many of the key architectural features that identified the building as Neoclassical Revival architecture. Fortunately, in 2006-2007, for a tidy sum of $6 million, the courthouse was restored to its original glory. It's a venerable old structure, beautiful inside and out!!!


  1. Well done!!! It's been years since I saw this courthouse but you've rendered it beautifully! You're a nice addition to this Urban Sketchers group!!! Your work fits right in!

  2. Way to go Betty, I've always admired your art, so glad you've joined the Urban Sketches... this will be fun, I can't wait to see more of your art.
