Friday, December 7, 2012

Duck Dynasty

The Houston Heights is actually a collection of little neighborhoods. The neighborhood adjoining mine, Woodland Heights, began having "Lights in the Heights" many years ago. At first it was just glowing luminaria placed along all the streets and singing a few carols, but over the years it has evolved. Now anything that lights, waves, inflates or glows is fair game. And the festive lighting has become more elaborate. I'm sure the power company is delighted. They still put out the luminaria, but now half of Houston comes to look. This weekend there will be traffic gridlock, so I took a little preview today. I've drawn this house in a previous year when they had Santa waterskiing across the lawn. I thought this year's offering was clever. Luckily I just barely know what Duck Dynasty is. After dark the little blue lights create the "pond" for the flotilla of duck decoys. And this is only a small part of the whole display- a flock of airborn ducks hover over the yard and there's a whole sunrise scene on the other side of the yard. I'm a big fan of 37th Street in Austin, so I love to see someone get creative with their lights.


  1. Look like a Country Christmas postcard. Well done Chris. And Merry Christmas ro you.

  2. Now THAT'S fun! Great sketch, Chris...Merry Christmas!
