Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sketching at the Museum of Natural Science

The Group
There was a nice turnout for a rare Tuesday evening sketchout at the Museum of Natural Science. It was billed as a chance to draw dinosaurs and that was the focus for many sketchers, but as you can see from Susan De Courcy's sketch in the header, there were other things to draw.
Richard Scruggs
Richard chose the T-Rex pursuing the Allosaurus.
New participant, Matthew, chose graphite to do any unusual view of the Triceratops. (who for some reason was wearing booties- repairs maybe?)
Veronika did two dinosaurs in pen and ink.
Bruce did a full page spread for this very tall guy. I believe Bruce was experimenting with the water-soluable graphite.
Michael's color sketches show how the colored lighting on the exhibits really brought the creatures to life.
Jenniffer dubbed the Deinonychus the "kickboxing dinosaur".  Chances are the poor guy was 
defending himself.
My dinosaur was also bathed in interesting lighting. I was just busy trying to get all those bones in the right place.
Judith used markers to capture the T Rex in color, but of course she was a fly on the wall for all the interesting conversations going on around her.
Francisco had time for a sort of logo for the evening.

Here are some of the other things people drew:
Some ancestors: both ours and our friend the armadillo.
The head of the huge Mastadon and some overheard comments.
Judith at the very mind-boggling Cabinet of Curiosities.

Considering we were there for a rather abbreviated sketchout, the sketchers got a lot done.
Here's the throwdown.
The throwdown
 As always, you are welcome to share this with anyone who might be interested in urban sketching. Don't forget to keep up with us on Facebook or check us out on Instagram.

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