Wednesday, September 28, 2011

West Texas Fall

Every September, all across Texas, thousands of hunters head to the field for the opening of dove season.  It's an annual tradition passed from father to son.  In west Texas, it signals the end of another long, hot summer and ushers in the season of hunting, friday night football and cotton harvest.  The evening air is cooler, the days are becoming shorter and the scent of gunpowder and cigar smoke drifts on the breeze.   In the midst of the evening hunt, fathers teach sons about life and manhood...and the tradition goes on. Cotten Cordell once said, "First, teach a boy to love God.  Second, teach a boy to love his family.  Third, teach him to hunt and fish and by the time he reaches his teens no dope peddler under the sun will have a chance to teach him anything."

This sketch was done in pen and ink(Namiki Falcon fountain pen w/black Carbon Ink)...watercolor wash added later at home.  Moleskine watercolor sketchbook.  Apologies...not exactly urban!


  1. Hey, if you leave out the parts of Texas that aren't urban you will be leaving out a lot of the "flavor". Nice sketch.

  2. This is a gorgeous watercolor. I love the sky and the light quality.
